顧客の選択の際、TAG は輸送中にカードを適切に保護するために必要なすべての備品を送ります。提出キットには、保険、TAG シールド、イージー プル ペニー スリーブ、TAG リジッド デッキ ボックス、安全にケーブルで結ばれた TAG セーフケース、便利な双方向前払い速達便が含まれます。
すべての TAG グレードのカードには、詳細なデジタル イメージング & グレーディング レポート (DIG) が含まれています。スマートフォンでスラブの TAG グレードをスキャンすると、特定されたすべての欠陥の高解像度画像、個々のカード属性、人口、リーダーボード、年表などのスコア内訳に即座にアクセスできます。
Completely Transparent.
Introducing the first ever transparent, paperless, flip, otherwise known as the “tag."
TAG inscribes the grade and data directly onto the crystal clear encasing.
Slabs include an accurate Industry Standard 1-10 Grade (TAG X) as well as a Digital Image & Grading Report (DIG).
TAG S users receive a precise 1000 pt TAG Score, determining card grade-strength and ranking on the TAG Leaderboards.
All necessary metrics for identifying a card including name, year, set, card #, and variations. All verified by OCR and our Card ID department.PROOF™ SECURITY TECHNOLOGY
Digital security measures are embedded in every slab. Use your smartphone to instantly verify TAG authenticity.~99% UV RESISTANT
Made from UV and abrasion-resistant acrylic, TAG slabs block most UV rays <400 nm. With unmatched optical clarity, it's like holding crystal— you have to see it to believe it.ERGONOMIC FORM
Designed with radiused edges to maximize in-hand comfort and maintain extreme durability. The slabs also interlock and stack easily.TAG believes the card's appearance should speak for itself.
Say goodbye to distracting paper flips. Instead, the TAG grades
and data are permanently inscribed directly inside the slab.
Each TAG Graded card receives a 1-10 industry standard grade. Our patented technology delivers unrivaled accuracy and consistency.TAG SCORE (S)
With TAG S service, collectors can access a precise 1000 pt TAG Score, differentiating cards as 'high 10' or 'low 10,' and enabling card rankings on the TAG Leaderboard.DIG REPORTS
Scan the QR Code to easily view the card's Digital Image & Grading Report which includes identified defects, hi-res images, scoring, centering, pop, rankings, & chronology.DINGS & SUBGRADES
Scan the QR Code to view a card's Defects Identified of Notable Grade Significance (DINGS), Subgrades, centering metrics & more via smartphone or web.TAG Card Vision
Use the Surface Defect Transparency Slider in order to view the card using TAG's Card Vision. Card Vision enables you to more easily spot defects and imperfections in the card by utilizing TAG's Photometric Stereoscopic Imaging technology. This advanced imaging feature is included with both TAG_X and TAG_S service levels.
DIG Reports
Digital Image & Grading (DIG) Reports are the most comprehensive and detailed condition analysis and technological grading available.
DIGs can be accessed by scanning the QR code on the tag or by looking up the card's Cert number.
TAG_X DIGs focus on the core defects that impacted the grade, aka the "DINGS." TAG_S DIG Reports breakdown the card into further detail with precise 3 digit scoring.
What Others are Saying
In appreciation of our customers for their time and effort, TAG will offer a coupon toward your next order for a photo or video posted with your fair and honest review on this website.
Max Korbel
Intel Corp.
Engineering Lead
"TAG is the technological revolution in grading that the industry needs. High-precision equipment, state of the art image processing, & patented innovations provide the accuracy & consistency required for a truly objective grade measurement. People will wonder how they ever trusted the legacy solutions."
Ryda Nofal
Apple Inc.
Software Engineer
"TAG is a world-class team whose technology powers an impeccable grading process performed with the highest level of accuracy and meticulous attention to detail. Driven by an abundance of creativity, ingenuity, and dedication, TAG has created an awestriking and attention commanding product."
John Bailey
Triller Sports
VP Strategy & Execution
"The future of sports involves three main tenants: Entertainment, Engagement, and Experiences. I believe that TAG embodies all three of these values and will come to represent a future security for the value of cards, collectibles, and ultimately, legendary moments in sports and entertainment history."
創設者兼 CEO のご紹介
私はカードを売ったことがなかったので、どうすればよいのかわかりませんでした。 5 歳のとき、私は家事をして稼いだ自分のお金を使って最初のカード、ウォーリー ウェストレイク '51 レッドバックスを購入しました。それ以来、私はたくさんのカードを手に入れました。その多くはかなり価値のあるものでしたが、私にとってこれ以上大切にしているものはありませんでした...